Wednesday, February 23, 2011


My grandpa told me a lot of people at his old folk’s home were black. I never met any black people in real life. I saw them on TV, on the news, but never in real life in harm’s way. I stared to wonder what old black people fell like, and what they did. Do they rob the whites for their pills, and put spinners on their wheel chair wheels? Do they wear baggy clothes that let their butt show? I didn’t have a clue, and I really wanted to know. So I did a little investigation. I invaded OPN (that’s code for old. people. nation) and found out some irregular things. I was highly amazed about what all I had seen. I saw a lady named Miss Johnson sniffing a line of codeine. So I cautiously walked up to her and asked her what she was doing, and she said, young boy what do you mean? I didn’t ask anymore question, I just left it alone. Then I started to walk down the hallway that had a strong odor of old cabbage, and binge. I think I may have made a left when I was supposed to go right, so I turned around and headed toward my grandpa’s door because it was getting late. I started to remember my grandfather telling me when it starts to get dark, and the lights dim down, someone is sure to get rapped. Out of the blue a door flung open, and there stood a man with a lot of stolen merchandise: Cd’s, DVDs, back pills, and false teeth. He even said he had “the hookup” for the liquid version of the substitution of meat. I said, no sir I’m fine, I’m not looking for anything. Then he closed the door, and in the same motion I shot down the hall, trying to escape the grip of darkness cold hands. Grandpa’s door was in the near distance, so I turned on my magic shoes. Hoping I could make it to room 1w without a bullet hole type of wound or bruise. And right when I made it to the door my hearted stopped, and my eyes fell out of my head…someone had robbed my grandfather clean. Down to the bed pan. I swear this is the last time I visit grandpa again. I know it was the black people who had done this, and were the reason I had such I crappy day. I hoped the nice white security guards would find them, and take all their pudding away. My investigation showed as this that even when you try to put black and white people together the race in the racism, and discriminate views will always carry them far apart, and even if on the outside everything may look good, we still are not living the part.
WRITTEN BY:D. Lesley, K. Haywood, J. Coffee, K. Shavers, T. Muhammad, A. Watchuku

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