Wednesday, February 23, 2011


February 15, 2011: James Welden Bogan High School @ CNB News

Before every band competition all the veterans would crack jokes and talk about Sally Jenkins. At the winter concert Sally Jenkins had a solo. During her solo she got nervous and started playing all the wrong notes and ran off stage. While the audience and bad members continued in laughter. Once she got home “#sallyjenkinssucks” became the trending topic on twitter. Everyone was talking about how terrible her performance was. They called her a harlot and other insulting things. The next day at school she printed out all the twitter post and brought them to the principle. (Insert Dialog) Then afterwards she ran home to tell her mother wants going on. Her mother responded “Everything will be alright, if not just kill yourself, we are running low on money”. An hour later Sally logged on to twitter and saw that it was over 3000 posts about her, and how she should kill her to disgrace the school like that. She eventually threw her laptop put of her bedroom window and locked the door, and turned her radio. She tied a rope to the exercise bar on her door and made a loop. Then she got on top of a chair and jumped off. It wasn't until the morning when her mother discovered the body.

Message: If you wont say it in person, don't say it online.
Message 2: If you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.
-If the band members would have been more comforting she wouldn't have been so nervous.
-If the principle and her mother was more supportive they could have put a stop to it.
Principle: Whats wrong?
*Sally hands her the tweets.
Principle: Haha. “goofy” thats a good one.
Sally: How was that a good one?
Principle: Well I dont know...... it made me laugh.
Sally: But... they told me to kill myself.
Principle: Well you did mess up really bad.
Sally: It still gives them no right.
Principle: Its no big deal.

By Edward Davis, Asia Scales, Wesley Mills, Michelle Griffin and Tatiana Ladson


  1. This is really good, but I would go further in depth about the bullying and what she did wrong. Exaggeration is an important part of satire!
    ~Sandy B.

  2. its really good..the principal was too bogus though
    kevin A

  3. as a principal, an educator, she shouldn't say thay to a student.

    tingting liang

  4. I also feel cyberbullying is wrong but that mom is so bogus lol

    -Alex S
