Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Sarah: Hi, I’m Sarah Miller. Welcome to the Daily Dose. Our top story tonight – CPS school efficiency. Kids in both the elementary and high school portions of CPS have rated their school system number one in the nation. For more on this story, we go to our education correspondent, Amilia Johnson, live at Dimwitt Collage Preparatory School in downtown Chicago. Amilia, are you there?
Amilia: Sarah? Sarah? Yes. Ok. I’m here. Hi Sarah, I’m downtown at Dimwitt Collage Preparatory School, where children have voted CPS the number one school system in America. Let’s go talk to a few of the students here and find out why. Excuse me, young lady.
Child: Yes?
Amilia: Hi, my name is Amilia and I’m doing a report for the Daily Dose on the CPS school system. What’s your name?
Child: My name is Frannie.
Amilia: Ok Frannie, why don’t you tell us what you like most about your school system and its administration.
Frannie: Well I’m really accident prone, so my favorite person in the administration is the nurse.
Amilia: Oh that’s good. Is she a good nurse?
Frannie: Oh yea, definitely. When you have a migraine, she gives you applesauce, and when you have a deep gash from cutting yourself on the metal under the bleachers when you were trying to get a ball back, she gives you a band-aid.
Amilia: Oh she is a good nurse!
Frannie: Oh and when I broke my ankle playing soccer last year, she gave me an ice pack and she let me lay down in her office for the rest of the day.
Amilia: Oh that’s really nice of her.
Frannie: I know right
Sarah: Umm Amilia? Amilia?
Amilia: Yes, Sarah?
Sarah: Did the nurse call an ambulance?
Amilia: No, she gave her an ice pack, didn’t you hear her?
Sarah: Umm ok, we’re gonna go to our live senior education correspondent, Lucas Stewart, who is at Dunce Elementary Academy. Lucas, are you there?
Lucas: Yes, Sarah. I’m live at Dunce Elementary Academy where children here have voted their administration the most efficient in the nation. Let’s see if we can get someone here to comment. Excuse me, young man.
Boy: What’s up?
Lucas: I’m doing a report for the Daily Dose on CPS administration. What do you think about your school’s administration?
Boy: Oh, they are so efficient. They are usually only 30 minutes late for meetings, and the teachers only mess up attendance eight out of ten times.
Lucas: Wow that is pretty good.
Boy: Oh yea that’s only 40% of the time, and my school has a great graduation rate, 20 percent.
Lucas: You only have a 20 percent drop-out rate.
Boy: No a 20 percent graduation rate. I’m on track to graduate in three years.
Lucas: You’re graduating early?
Boy: Nah man, I’m already a sophomore.
Lucas: Your school seems to be a very good school young man. You should be happy to be attending this fine institution.
Sarah: I hate to interrupt you as well, but being 30 minutes late for meetings and only getting attendance right 20 percent of the time, which is a statistical correction from what the child said, seems to be the opposite of efficiency.
Lucas: Oh no, Sarah. I mean they could be worse, they could never get attendance correct and they could just not show up at meetings.
Sarah: Ok well a 20 percent graduation rate?
Lucas: The Kentucky Public Schools only have a five percent graduation rate, so I would say this school is doing pretty good.
Sarah: Lucas Stewart and Amilia Johnson everyone, we’ll be right back.


  1. well, not only students be late, but also the teachers too, only 20% graduation rate? that sounds like so low

    ting ting liang

  2. Haha, that's pretty funny. I really love the school names it's really clever.
    -Candace H. 4th period

  3. This is funny but very sad that CPS is not very far from this point.

    -Tierra Jones
