Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A young couple was united by social networking, what we know as Facebook, Skype, and Twitter. We have interviewed Sammie and John to get there perspectives on hooking up over the worldwide web through mutual friends. The first question was for Sammie, What did you think when your friend Angela asked you to add John? “Well at first I was a little like what kind of guy is this that wants to hook up with me through facebook.”( She giggles)
I was not impressed but once we began to talk and have conversations it was cool”. We asked John the same questions and this is what he said. “Well I knew that it would be kind of lame to get Angela to ask her to add me but hey what can I say”. “I thought she was cute and wanted to get to know her.” So we know that you two did not meet each other for a month because you guys dated online. Tell me what were the advantages? “John” “The best thing about dating her over the internet was I could still do what I wanted to do in the comfort of my house”. What about being able to see each other? “That’s good you asked because this is where Skype comes in we would hook up our webcam and have a good time”. What do you think Sammie? “Well it was kind of cheesy at first but I started to get into the not having to find something to wear and messing up my closet so it was cool. Then when I would get mad at him I had what is a open diary, which is twitter, I could vent all night long about him. I really love the trending topics.” Well that’s good I guess what happened when you guys first met each other in person for the first time? (Together) “There were lots of flaws.” What do you mean Sammie you explain first? “He was too hairy his arms looked like Rick Ross chin, he was short I mean I can not be mad at my genes I am 6’0’ feet. He is like 4’0’ that’s a problem.” You do not think that’s harsh? “Well” John what about you. “It was all wrong she had nails so long she can turn off her light from her bed. She could Probably dig her brain out when she picks her nose. Maybe that’s why she asked me could we see the Serious Tower, I always thought it was Sears Tower.” That’s real mature to say about her you could not tell when you talked on line? “No because people use slang on the computer, any way she is just slow”. We are going to end it here; it became so violent between them two that we had to call security to escort them out.


  1. Yes i Agree with(no name)the above statement- Nice idea to write about! so would the could that met online on the flip side Love everything about each other? if so... i get it, nice writing. Tremanda p

  2. great idea to write about you hit all the key points
